Live Oak Adult Day Services

LIVE OAK ADULT DAY SERVICES is a nonprofit, community-based agency which provides a specialized program of adult day care for frail elderly dependent adults who are residents of Santa Clara County. Our mission is to improve the quality of life of program participants by removing them from social isolation, and to prevent or delay their institutionalization by helping family caregivers in their efforts to maintain their senior dependent loved one in the family home. The agency has served as a vital source of respite for our clients’ family caregivers and continues to be the decisive factor in enabling many senior participants to remain living in their community homes. More than 95% of LIVE OAK program participants avoid placement in nursing homes every year. LIVE OAK is the primary adult day care provider for the County’s general disabled senior population, and is the only program of its kind serving South County residents.

To learn more about Live Oak Adult Day Services or to get involved, visit